How to Propose a New Course
A new course proposal requires the submission of a one-page rationale, a proposed course syllabus, and course description for the bulletin. Find details of this process below, or in a downloadable PDF (How to Propose a New Course).
For proposing new graduate seminars (9000-level and above), see Guidelines for DEES Graduate Seminars below.
One Page Rationale (see example):
Rationale for the new course - what Instructional need is being filled?
Instructional goals/philosophy - what will students gain from this course? Expected enrollments/audience - who will take this course? Non-majors? Majors? DEES Grads? Other Depts/Schools/Colleges?
Justify level - Undergrad (1000-3000), Grad (5000-9000), both (4000)? Are there pre-requisites? What is the ideal preparation for the student?
Where does this fit within the UG/Grad curriculum? Requirements Depth/Breadth?
How does this relate to other courses within the Discipline (grad) or UG track? Please provide a list of related courses, and how these courses relate.
How does this course differ in content and goal from other related courses? Course funneling - what courses are feeders, and what courses could follow on?
Instructor commitments - are there resources? What are the existing teaching commitments? Scheduling - what other courses should be sequenced/alternated/avoided in overlap?
Syllabus should include (see example):
- Title
- Proposed EESC course number
- Number of credits
- Instructor information
- Course Description
- May also include goals, overview
- Pre-requisites - please include these as guidance for students; they are not restrictive
- Required Readings
- Expectations/Assignments/Basis for Evaluation
- Provisional list of topics/weekly schedule
Note: Please submit a course description for the bulletinas well. That should include the title, proposed EESC course number, number of credits, pre-requisites, and the pithy description. Find an example here.
Graduate Seminars (EESC GR9000 level) can be offered for 1 credit, 2 credits, or both and are graded P/F. The minimum class meeting time is 75 minutes. Students receiving credit should be full participants in the class and take a significant role in leading discussion during at least one class period.
Here is a sample syllabus. Instructor effort is commensurate with the number of credits, divided by the number of instructors.
The option exists to offer a seminar for up to 3 credits and graded (A-F); this requires the development of an appropriate syllabus and communication with the DEES Academic Program Manager.
After submission to DEES Curriculum Committee, proposals receive feedback, and if recommended, are forwarded to the DEES Faculty for vote. Successful proposals are then submitted to College Committee on Instruction (COI). Courses 4000-level and below go to Columbia College. Courses 4000-level and above go to GSAS.
After approval by DEES Faculty, please reach out to Kaleigh Matthews for help completing forms needed for submittal to Committees on Instruction.
Deadlines for submission to DEES Curriculum Committee:
- Fall courses: DEES Curricum Committee mid-Feb (COI mid-March)
- Spring courses: DEES Curricum Committee mid-Sept (COI mid-October)
- Summer courses: DEES Curricum Committee mid-Oct (COI mid-November)