Earth Science Concentration

The Earth Science concentration provides students further exposure into the earth sciences than what introductory courses cover. The concentration allows students the freedom to delve into a variety of courses that support their interests in the earth sciences. A minimum of 24 points must be taken to complete the concentration. 

*Concentrations are available to students who entered Columbia in or before Fall 2023.

Earth Science Concentration Table

Two science or mathematics courses in Chemistry, Physics, or Calculus for a minimum of 6 points. 

Geochemistry for a Habitable Planet (EESC UN3101) 


Solid Earth Dynamics (EESC UN3201)  

Plus two additional Depth/Breadth courses (select EESC or supporting courses 2000-level and above) in earth science for a minimum of 9 points. The courses can be selected from those Depth/Breadth courses suitable for earth science majors.

To keep track of your degree requirements, use the Earth Science Concentration Checklist.