Earth Science Major
The major in Earth Science provides an introduction to the study of the solid and fluid earth and its geological history. The program is designed to provide students with a solid background of related science fields, then delve into particular fields in earth science in greater depth. The major requires a minimum of 46 points to be completed.
An important requirement of the major is the senior capstone. The senior capstone experience is a culmination of what the student has learned throughout the major, in the form of a research thesis. The senior capstone is a requirement of the major, and students can complete the research with any of the department's affiliated institutions or with any other institute/faculty they feel would best guide their research forward, with department approval.
The Earth Science major also offers the possibility of an in-depth field experience through a six- to eight-week geology summer field course, as appropriate for students doing Geological Science as their Plan of Study. Interested students should consult the Director of Undergraduate Studies.