Young Investigator Award

$1,500 is awarded annually to one or more majors or concentrators in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences who have exhibited creativity and excellence in research. The award grants funds for research expenditures or travel associated with fieldwork, analyses, or presentation of results at a scientific meeting. Travel must be completed within 18 months of receiving the award. If more than one winner is selected, the award funds are split between them.

The selection of the awardee(s) is based on a 1-page proposal (1-inch margins, 12-point font size) stating the intellectual and societal merit of the research, and how the research project will benefit from this grant. An itemized budget must be provided. The application deadline is November 1 each year. Proposals should be sent by e-mail to the Chair of the Undergraduate Awards Committee and will be evaluated by the Faculty of the Senior Seminar and the Undergraduate Awards Committee.


  • 2016: Tina Liu, Channing Prend, and Nicholas Mehmel
  • 2015: Parker Case and Ji Woon Park
  • 2013: Frank Pavia and Alan Seltzer
  • 2012: Sebastian Vivancos and Adam Formica