Sara Fitzgerald Langer Book Prize
The Sara Fitzgerald Langer Book Prize is an award set up by the Langer family in memory of their daughter. Each fall the award is presented by the Graduate Student Committee (GSC) to a pre-orals graduate student who has contributed to both academic and student life at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. Nominations are solicited from all members of the Lamont Community, however only graduate students may participate in the election. The prize consists of a book, chosen by the elected student, that is a classic in his or her field. The Langer family is informed of the winner of each award by a separate letter from the GSC. This letter includes a short biographical sketch of the winner and the student's research interests.
- 2018-Colleen Baublitz
- 2017: Lorelei Curtin
- 2016: Daniel Rasmussen
- 2015: Laura Haynes
- 2014: Kyle Frischkorn
- 2013: Catherine Pomposi
- 2012: Jesse Farmer
- 2011: John Templeton
- 2010: Amelia Paukert
- 2009: Elizabeth Pierce
- 2008: Katherine Allen
- 2007: Jill Van Tongeren
- 2006: David Zylberberg
- 2005: Dalia Bach
- 2004: Louisa Bradtmiller
- 2003: David Grass & Celine Herweijer
- 2002: Sarah Feakins
- 2001: Qian (Scott) Song
- 2000: Kristina Rodriguez Czuchlewski
- 1999: Naomi Lubick
- 1998: John Walsh
- 1997: Colm Sweeney
- 1997: Renee Takesue
- 1996: Anupma Gupta
- 1995: Beth Gier
- 1994: Karen Ricciardi
- 1993: Yan Zheng
- 1992: Brenda Ekwurzel
- 1991: Steven Chillrud
- 1990: Sarah Fowell
- 1989: John Hopper
- 1988: Mark Chandler
- 1987: Julia Cole
- 1986: Margo Edwards
- 1985: Alberto Malinverno
- 1984: Joanne Alexandrovich