Arthur D. Storke Memorial Lecture

Arthur D. Storke

Arthur D. Storke, a native New Yorker, was born in 1894.  By the 1930s, he was an active mining engineer, serving as managing director of a Rhodesian copper mine. During World War II, Storke became Britain’s Minerals Advisor for the Allied cause and oversaw the covert shipment of pitchblende ore out of the Congo, material later used for the development of the atomic bomb. Storke met an untimely death in a 1949 plane crash. In his honor, Storke’s wife left a bequest to Columbia University to fund the study of Earth’s natural resources.

Past Awardees:

  • 2009  Stephen Kesler  
  • 2010  J. Randall Udall
  • 2012  Michael Graetz
  • 2014  Robert Hazen
  • 2015  Jason Bordoff
  • 2016  Dr. Steven E. Koonin