2024-2025 Year at a Glance
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- UN1030
- Course Title
- Oceanography
- Professor
- Höenisch
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- UN1201
- Course Title
- Environmental Risks & Disasters
- Professor
- Ekström
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- UN1600
- Course Title
- Earth Resources & Sustainable Development
- Professor
- Kelemen
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- UN2100
- Course Title
- Earth's Environmental Systems: Climate System
- Professor
- McManus/Camargo
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- UN2200
- Course Title
- Earth's Environmental Systems: Solid Earth
- Professor
- Moussallam/Becel
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- UN2330
- Course Title
- Science for Sustainable Development
- Professor
- Mutter/Lawrence
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- UN3031
- Course Title
- Chemistry of Climate
- Professor
- Commane
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- UN3101
- Course Title
- Geochemistry for a Habitable Planet
- Professor
- Plank
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- UN3400
- Course Title
- Computational Earth Science
- Professor
- Westervelt
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- UN3901
- Course Title
- Senior Seminar
- Professor
- Webb/Hemming
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- UN3904
- Course Title
- Independent Research in Climate System Science
- Professor
- Commane/Austermann
- Term
- Spring
- Course #
- UN1006
- Course Title
- What's New in Earth, Environmental, and Climate Science?
- Professor
- Plank
- Term
- Spring
- Course #
- UN1010
- Course Title
- Geologic Excursion to Death Valley
- Professor
- Kolawole
- Term
- Spring
- Course #
- UN2100
- Course Title
- Earth's Environmental Systems: Climate System
- Professor
- Ting/Winckler
- Term
- Spring
- Course #
- UN2200
- Course Title
- Earth's Environmental Systems: Solid Earth
- Professor
- Goldstein/Hemming
- Term
- Spring
- Course #
- UN2300
- Course Title
- Earth's Environmental Systems: Life System
- Professor
- Olsen/Palmer/Dyhrman
- Term
- Spring
- Course #
- UN3010
- Course Title
- Field Geology (Italy)
- Professor
- Goldstein/Hemming
- Term
- Spring
- Course #
- UN3109
- Course Title
- Climate Physics
- Professor
- Sobel
- Term
- Spring
- Course #
- UN3201
- Course Title
- Solid Earth Dynamics
- Professor
- Nettles
- Term
- Spring
- Course #
- UN3901
- Course Title
- Senior Seminar
- Professor
- Hemming/Raymo
- Term
- Spring
- Course #
- UN3328
- Course Title
- Glacial Geomorphology
- Professor
- Menke
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- GU4008
- Course Title
- Intro to Atmospheric Science
- Professor
- Polvani
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- GU4020
- Course Title
- Humans & the Carbon Cycle
- Professor
- McKinley
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- GU4050
- Course Title
- Global Assessment and Monitoring Using Remote Sensing
- Professor
- Small
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- GU4230
- Course Title
- Crustal Deformation
- Professor
- Kolawole
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- GU4330
- Course Title
- Intro to Terrestrial Paleoclimate
- Professor
- Schaefer
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- GU4600
- Course Title
- Earth's Resources & Sustainable Development
- Professor
- Kelemen
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- GU4887
- Course Title
- Isotope Geology I
- Professor
- Class
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- GU4923
- Course Title
- Biological Oceanography
- Professor
- Juhl
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- GU4925
- Course Title
- Intro to Physical Oceanography
- Professor
- Thurnherr
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- GU4949
- Course Title
- Intro to Seismology
- Professor
- Waldhauser
- Term
- Spring
- Course #
- GU4009
- Course Title
- Chemical Geology
- Professor
- Moussallam
- Term
- Spring
- Course #
- GU4040
- Course Title
- Climate Thermo/Energy Transfer
- Professor
- Sobel
- Term
- Spring
- Course #
- GU4085
- Course Title
- Geodynamics
- Professor
- Buck
- Term
- Spring
- Course #
- GU4210
- Course Title
- Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
- Professor
- Balwada
- Term
- Spring
- Course #
- GU4885
- Course Title
- Climate Prediction Challenges
- Professor
- McKinley
- Term
- Spring
- Course #
- GU4630
- Course Title
- Air-Sea Interaction
- Professor
- Zappa
- Term
- Spring
- Course #
- GU4924
- Course Title
- Intro to Atmospheric Chemistry
- Professor
- Commane
- Term
- Spring
- Course #
- GU4926
- Course Title
- Chemical Oceanography
- Professor
- Anderson
- Term
- Spring
- Course #
- GU4937
- Course Title
- Cenozioc Paleoceanography
- Professor
- Hönisch/Raymo
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- GR6901
- Course Title
- Research Computing in Earth Science
- Instructor
- Wu
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- GR6908
- Course Title
- Quantitative Methods of Data Analysis
- Instructor
- Menke
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- GR6921
- Course Title
- Atmospheric Dynamics
- Instructor
- Miller
- Term
- Fall
- Course #
- GR9902
- Course Title
- Research Skills for Earth and Environmental Science
- Instructor
- Nettles
- Term
- Spring
- Course #
- GR6400
- Course Title
- Communicating Earth and Environmental Science
- Instructor
- Dyhrman
- Term
- Spring
- Course #
- GR6920
- Course Title
- Dynamics of Climate
- Instructor
- Miller
- Term
- Spring
- Course #
- GR6949
- Course Title
- Advanced Seismology
- Instructor
- Ekström